Creating the Best Home for Your Family


There are many different ways to create the ‘ultimate’ home environment. The most intense approach is building a new home. KT Interior Designs works with architects and home owners to ensure that a ‘wish list’ is being created and catered for when the plans are being drawn up.

Everyone in the family should be able to contribute, knowing that only some of the things on the ‘wish list’ will actually make it on to the plans!

The next best way is a home addition. This creates more space, and provides the opportunity to do some ‘home-scaping’ by moving or taking out internal walls.

In both cases, KT Interior Designs can assist with space planning and material selection, to ensure the building process goes smoothly and the client gets what they expect.

While the building is proceeding KT Interior Designs works with home owner on detailing the use of each room, selecting furniture, accessories and window treatments. Once all of the selections have been delivered, we oversee the installation and placement of all items in each room.

If building is not in the budget, we can work with a client to ‘re-purpose’ existing furniture, and then determine what select pieces of new furniture and accessories will be needed to give each room a face lift.

Everything begins with the complimentary initial consultation – why don’t you begin today?

Confused by all the choices? Is the stress of choosing colors, fabrics, furniture and surfaces overwhelming you?   Then let KT Interior Designs help you create the ultimate home environment- stress free!


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