Beating the Winter Blues

bare room

Well, the December holidays are over, a brand New Year is upon us and everything is getting back to business as usual. The decorations have been packed up and put away and let’s face it – without the decorations everything looks a little bare and forlorn!

Maybe it is time to think about giving a “mini-makeover” to your home. Just a little bit of time and a small budget can really work wonders for improving, updating and re-freshing your décor.

Of course, the first question is – where do you begin? I offer a mini-makeover consultation for just $299.   I will come to your home for a consultation and do a thorough walk-through of the rooms you are interested in improving. I then take pictures of what furnishings exist and how they are currently placed, and find out from you what parts you like about your current décor and what things you really could do without!

Based on this information, I come back within one week with a creative plan full of fresh ideas such as… how to re-purpose your furniture and use it in other rooms, color suggestions (perhaps how painting one wall in a specific room can change the entire look, mood and feel), and possible ideas for new pictures, window dressings, accent pieces or area rugs. The difference between having a drab or exciting living space could be finding just the right pillows, area rug and a few perfect accessories!

If you are suffering from the post-holiday winter blues, all it takes is one phone call to KT Interior Designs to get you on the right track (and a fresh start) with your home décor.


Confused by all the choices? Is the stress of choosing colors, fabrics, furniture and surfaces overwhelming you?   Then let KT Interior Designs help you create the ultimate home environment- stress free!

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