Accessories Make the Room
There are many things to consider when redecorating a room. I usually work with a client to establish a color palette, then move on to the major items such as wall color and flooring. Once those selections are made, we move on to selecting furniture, establishing if we are going to reuse or re purpose existing furniture, make any special orders and then look at window treatments.
Once all these selections are made, special orders are processed and everything is delivered and installed, it is then time to consider accessories, such as accent pillows, candle sticks, photo frames – any items that will sit on a table top, on a piece of furniture or on the wall.
Room accessories are really the ‘icing on the cake’. Without them, the room can look bare, even if a wide color palette has been used. While my job is to ensure a harmonious finish to the project, it is the personal taste of the client that really drives what accessories are selected. I encourage them to pick items that have personal significance for them in terms of color, shape, design or even memories. If you need new accessories for an existing room, or you need a complete ‘make over’, call for a complimentary consultation.